
Operators file

Colleague Operator accounts (OPERS file) are created using SOD. This sets the Colleague login username and allows access to Colleague UI, WebAdvisor, and Colleague Studio. Operator records can exist without an associated Web User record.

Security classes in Colleague are attached to OPERS records, and this is what determines access to most of Colleague and associated applications. However, interactive access to applications is a separate field, unique to Operator records.

OPERS Equivalents are dummy Operator accounts that cannot be logged in with. You can specify if an Operator is going to be used like this in SOD. They can be assigned security classes and application access like normal Operators.

Operator records (both normal ones and Equivalents) can be used in lieu of security classes, or OPERS records on Web Users. Security classes and application access for the Operator are cascaded down to the applied object. This is particularly useful to give access to a Web User without creating an Operator specifically for them. This is how employees and students would access WebAdvisor, by being assigned WEBSTUDENT/WEBSTAFF/etc. in DRUS.

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