
Deleting records

Cog wheel → Record Delete can be used to remove records. Its functionality changes based on the screen you are on. For example, on DRUS, it removes the selected Resource; on NAE, it removes individual Person records.

Removing Person records is dangerous, irreversible, and potentially impossible.

Removing Person records may also remove linked records from other files. You may get an error when removing Person records if it is not possible to remove related records.

If Record Delete is greyed out, you do not have permission to delete the record.

This permission is granted via SOD/SVM.

Batch delete forms


  • DDRU: Delete Registry User, removes PERSON records created with NAE
  • DMRS: Delete Registry Student, removes STUDENTS records
  • DDRF: Delete Registry Faculty, removes FACULTY records
  • DDRE: Delete Registry Employee, removes EMPLOYES records
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