
Notes about Ellucian Colleague

If you’re here, you already know what Colleague is, and either an Internet search or a friend of a friend (or me) referred you. (And you very much know what it is if you know it as Datatel or Datatel Colleague…)

And if you don’t know what Colleague is, leave while you have your sanity.

These are the notes I took when I used to work with Colleague at a prior university. We had original Sungard Education documentation written by James Raum lying around, if that tells you anything about just how much of a Colleague shop we were. Because of that, while these notes come from a systems administrator standpoint, I did get somewhat deep into the weeds, so they cover a significant amount of functionality. These are not tutorials however and only elucidate (ha) basic structural concepts. I also make no guarantees to the accuracy or timeliness of the information herein, though I tried to be as correct as possible when I was writing it all out, since it was originally for internal use.

For more, refer to Ellucian documentation on the Customer Center hub.

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