--- tags: - "\U0001F6A9purpose/\U0001F4A5interesting" - "⭐topic/\U0001F5E3️linguistics" --- # What does *approb* mean? Saw a manga that used “approb” as translation of SFX. Translator I believe is non-native. ![Maou-sama ni Shoukan sareta kedo Kotoba ga Tsuujinai - Vol. 3, Ch. 19, Pg. 8](https://meo.comick.pictures/ERfPOlX-8.png) Source: [Maou-sama ni Shoukan sareta kedo Kotoba ga Tsuujinai - Vol. 3, Ch. 19](https://comick.app/comic/H9nMGNA_/v79o0-chapter-19-en#page8) *approb* is [likely short](https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/417563/what-does-aprob-mean-in-this-quote-from-beckett) for [approbante](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/approbante), which is a scholarly borrowed Latin term meaning “with approval of”. So the translator likely intended to convey a sense of scholarly approval or backing for her performance. I can’t find a source justifying this translation.