--- tags: - "⭐topic/\U0001F4BEsoftware/colleague" - "\U0001F6A9purpose/ℹ️documentation" --- # Unlocking users When detailing down into a form or screen, the resources used are locked. If you do not log out of Colleague (e.g. you close the window without clicking *log out*), the resource will remain locked for anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes before the session or lock expires. This can also happen if there is a SQL or Colleague script error that interrupts a save. You can use **LRCS** to unlock users, forms, and screens. For more information, including the SQL query to investigate and unlock, see [Ellucian Hub Article #000005834](https://ellucian.force.com/clients/s/article/9088-How-to-find-and-kill-a-SQL-lock).