--- tags: - "\U0001F6A9purpose/\U0001F4DDlist" - "⭐topic/\U0001F4BEsoftware/colleague" - "\U0001F6A9purpose/ℹ️documentation" --- # Deleting records *Cog wheel → Record Delete* can be used to remove records. Its functionality changes based on the screen you are on. For example, on **DRUS**, it removes the selected [Resource](../../notes/Colleague/Registry%20%26%20Resources.md); on **NAE**, it removes individual Person records. >[!danger] Removing Person records is dangerous, irreversible, and potentially impossible. > Removing Person records may also remove linked records from other [files](../../notes/Colleague/Files%20%26%20Tables.md). You may get an error when removing Person records if it is not possible to remove related records. >[!warning] If *Record Delete* is greyed out, you do not have permission to delete the record. >This permission is granted via **SOD**/**SVM**. ## Batch delete forms `{_obsidian_pattern_tag_🚩purpose/📝list}` - **DDRU**: Delete Registry User, removes `PERSON` records created with **NAE** - **DMRS**: Delete Registry Student, removes `STUDENTS` records - **DDRF**: Delete Registry Faculty, removes `FACULTY` records - **DDRE**: Delete Registry Employee, removes [`EMPLOYES`](../../notes/Colleague/Employees%20file.md) records